A roof inspection is essential to keeping your roof in working order and your home protected from the elements. As we move into monsoon season in Arizona, roof inspections are an important topic to discuss, especially for tile roofs. Tile roofs are incredibly popular in Arizona because they are sturdy and typically do not require a lot of attention. 

Most homeowners do not think to look at their roof, let alone get it inspected by a professional roofer. 

We’re going to cover everything to do a tile roof inspection today. From how often to do it, what’s included in a standard inspection, and what to do if an issue is found. Craven Construction has been inspecting, repairing, and installing tile roofs in Arizona for over two decades.

How Often Should My Tile Roof Be Inspected? 

Experts agree across the board that inspecting a roof 2 times a year is standard. Of course, older roofs may require more frequent inspections while newer roofs may not, unless there is obvious reason. Inspecting your roof a few times a year will help you discover areas of concern and if you need to have a roofer fix it. 

Another common question is if a homeowner can complete a tile roof inspection themselves. There are a lot of factors to take into consideration when deciding this, such as: 

  • Can you safely complete the inspection? 
  • Do you know what to look for? 
  • What will you do if you find an issue? 

Tile roofs can be difficult to walk on if you are not trained and require specific equipment to accurately complete an inspection. If you believe your roof does not have any issues, you can easily complete an inspection yourself. Many homeowners will utilize binoculars and examine the roofing materials from their lawn. 

If you believe your tile roofing system might be compromised, you will want to have it inspected by a professional. Many roofers can complete minor repairs or tile replacement the same day.

What Is Included In Roofing Inspection? 

While we cannot speak for every roofing company, many inspection items are fairly standard across the industry. The reason for a professional roof inspection is to survey the entire roofing system and obtain a written report of the findings. A roofer will look closely at the entire structure, including the attic, gutter system, fascia boards, and more. They will take several photos of the findings and provide a complete written report. 

Common items that are typically included are: 

  • Observations of the materials along with any potential problems that are present or could form in the future. Your roofer will assess the roofing system for damage including underlayment issues, ceiling cracks, leaks or water marks, missing tiles, fascia damage, and problems with the flashing, gutters, skylights, chimneys, or vents. 
  • If repairs are recommended, they will be included along with an estimate to complete the repairs. 
  • Approximately how old the roof is and long it can be expected to last. This is a key component of the roof inspection and often the reason homeowners request an inspection. Knowing the age can help determine if damage is worth repairing or if the entire roof should be replaced. 
  • Each section of the report will have several photos to document the findings.

Do you think your roof is ready for an inspection? 

While tile roofs are very durable, they do age and require attention. An inspection from a roofer is important to determine if the roof is ok to be repaired or if it is time for a replacement. Homeowners also request an inspection after large storms or monsoons. This is also when roofers are typically busiest. 

Don’t wait until it is too late! Have your roof inspected now and help prevent massive damage in the near future. If you are located in the East Valley, contact Craven Construction. Our team is available to provide you with a complete inspection report. We also have monsoon prep packages depending on your roof material and size. Call our office to discuss your options today!

Interested in a Tile Roof Inspection?

About Craven Construction

Craven Construction is dedicated to providing our customers with honest and reliable roofing services. With over two decades of residential and commercial experience, we are here to serve you and all of your roofing needs.

Our team of experienced roofers is licensed and knowledgeable in working with all types of roofing. We offer high quality roofing services and are capable of getting your project completed in a timely, efficient manner.