Roofing repairs can be quite expensive and cause further damage to your Arizona home when left untouched. There are a few things any homeowner can do to help keep their roof in good, working order. Simple home maintenance may cost you a little time or a few dollars now, but can save you thousands in the long run. 

To make sure your roof stays in good shape, we’ve put together these three residential roofing tips. Following these few tips will help extend the life of your roof and keep your family safe from the elements.

As always, remember to keep safety at the top of your priority and to call a professional if you need.

3 Residential Roofing Tips

1. Trim Your Trees

The trees in your yard provide necessary shade during the hot summers of Arizona and add to the curb appeal of your home. While they are certainly pretty, they can also cause several issues with your roof. Branches and leaves fall and buildup on your roof, fill your gutters, and create a mess for you to clean up. 

Large branches tend to fall when it is windy, rainy, or they become frail and simply break off. When these branches fall on your roof, they can cause tiles to break, shingles to become loose, or even worse, a large hole in your roofing system. Repairs can be quite expensive, especially when your entire roof needs replaced. 

Trees that are not properly groomed can also promote mold growth. During monsoon season when we see high temperatures mixed with rainfall, mold can easily grow on the shaded parts of your roof. Areas in direct sunlight will give the mold a chance to dry out. Mold and algae can break down your roofing materials and cause significant damage to your roof. 

Contact your local tree trimming company and ask them to assess your home. They will be able to help you trim the trees so their branches don’t damage your roof. 

2. Check For Ventilation

Proper ventilation is not only necessary to keep your roofing system in good shape, but also for your home to function properly. Your roof requires ventilation to give heat an escape and in Arizona, you know it can get quite warm. Your attic will hold the heat from the sun beating down, which in turn can cause the sheathing to warp and damage your roofing material.

When the attic is not properly ventilated to let the heat escape, your cooling systems will need to work more to keep the rest of your home comfortable. If you notice a rise in your utilities, you should check for ventilation in your roof. 

Contact your roofing professional to install new vents in your roof and attic. Doing so will give the heat and moisture a chance to escape. Not only will this save you from being uncomfortable inside your home, but also save your roof from significant and expensive damage.

3. Completing DIY Repairs

Similar to your car, home appliances, or other items around your home, maintenance is necessary and repairs are essential. Your roof is no exception and there is no doubt that it will eventually need to be repaired. When you discover an area that needs a little work, knowing when you can complete the repairs and when to call a professional is crucial. 

Most homeowners are capable of placing a few shingles and nailing a few nails. But can you completely replace an entire roof? Most likely the answer is no. Assess any damaged areas of your roofing system should be safely completed. Wearing rubber sole shoes, using the properly sized ladder, and having a friend or family member available for support are key to inspecting your roof. 

DIY repairs can help save you a few dollars if they are done safely and with the correct materials. Taking care of problems as soon you notice them can also prevent them from becoming larger issues requiring the attention of a professional roofer. Call your local roofing company if you cannot safely and properly complete any repairs. 

If you are located in the East Valley and in need of professional roofing assistance, contact Craven Construction. Our team is experienced with roofs of all shapes and sizes and trained to work with all roofing materials. No matter if you need a small repair or completely new roof, we can help. Call our office today to schedule a FREE estimate and ensure your roof is in good hands!

Do you have roofing repairs that need to be completed by a pro?

About Craven Construction

Craven Construction is dedicated to providing our customers with honest and reliable roofing services. With over two decades of residential and commercial experience, we are here to serve you and all of your roofing needs.

Our team of experienced roofers is licensed and knowledgeable in working with all types of roofing. We offer high quality roofing services and are capable of getting your project completed in a timely, efficient manner.