Maintaining a commercial roof in Arizona is critical! With intense heat, sporadic weather, and standard wear and tear, a commercial roof will require regular inspections and minor repairs. A well-maintained roof protects your commercial property along with ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for building occupants. Timely maintenance and repair will help a roof last as long as it should. 

Even the most durable roofs have a finite lifespan. 

Nothing lasts forever and it is important to be vigilant about the signs that indicate it is time for a commercial roof replacement. As a trusted Arizona commercial roofer, Craven Construction is here to examine key signs that the roof needs to be replaced.

1. Age of the Roof

One of the largest factors to consider when deciding to replace a commercial roof or not is its age. A roof does not expire, but the older the roof is the more likely it will need to be replaced sooner than later. Each roofing material has its own expected lifespan, so check with your local roofer as to how long your specific roofing material should last. 

In Arizona, some commercial roofs will deteriorate faster because of the scorching sun and UV ray absorption. Many commercial roofs will be white to help slow this process. If your roof is approaching the end of its expected age, it may be time for it to be replaced. Consult with your local commercial roofer to determine whether or not your building is in need of a new roof soon.

2. Leaks Are Forming

A leak that continues to show itself or a roof that develops leaks each time it rains is a sign that replacement is looming. While Arizona does not see a significant amount of rain, monsoons can bring heavy rain and high winds without much notice. If a commercial roof is not in top condition, water can easily find its way inside and cause damage. 

Water stains on the ceiling, walls, or around windows and doors are definitely a sign that your roof is leaking. Other, less visible signs a leak has formed include mold growth, higher energy bills, or damage to the roof surface. These signs indicate that your roof’s waterproofing system is failing and that a replacement may be necessary.

3. Roof Requires Frequent Repairs

Of course, a roof repair costs less than completely replacing the roof. However, every roof reaches the point where constant patching and repairs will add up and it may be time to consider replacement. Frequent repairs can be a sign that your roof has reached the end of its useful life. Repairs can become costly and ultimately ineffective in preserving the integrity of the roof.

4. Higher Energy Bills

As we said earlier, Arizona roofs see a lot of sunshine and absorb a lot of UV rays. Having an energy-efficient roof on a commercial building is a must! A sign that a commercial roof is ready to be replaced is a significant increase in cooling costs or if it is difficult to keep the building at a comfortable temperature. 

Modern roofing materials are designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, helping you save on energy bills. Upgrading to an energy-efficient roof during replacement can be a wise investment. Call your local commercial roofer to see what you can do to help lower your energy bills.

5. Visible Damage

Visible damage is a key sign that a commercial roof should be examined by a professional roofer. They will be able to look at the roof and inspect cracks, blistering, or other damage. If the damage is significant, damaged the layers below the roofing material, or allowed water to penetrate the roofing system, it may be time for a roof replacement. 

The longer damage is left unrepaired or unexamined, the worse the damage will become. Additionally, sometimes just because you cannot see the damage with the naked eye, doesn’t mean it is not there. This is why it is incredibly important to call a licensed roofing contractor for a full inspection.

Arizona Commercial Roofing Replacement

The Arizona climate is arid and offers a lot of sunshine! Ensuring the integrity of a commercial roof is essential. Regular inspections and proactive maintenance can help extend its lifespan, but eventually, all roofs will need replacement. By keeping an eye out for the signs mentioned above, you can take timely action to replace your commercial roof when needed.

If you are concerned about your commercial roof, contact the professional at Craven Construction! We are available to assess your current roof and provide our professional guidance on the best replacement options for your building. Call our office to schedule your FREE estimate today!

Does Your Commercial Roof Need Replaced?

About Craven Construction

Craven Construction is dedicated to providing our customers with honest and reliable roofing services. With over two decades of residential and commercial experience, we are here to serve you and all of your roofing needs.

Our team of experienced roofers is licensed and knowledgeable in working with all types of roofing. We offer high quality roofing services and are capable of getting your project completed in a timely, efficient manner.